Meet elie zgheib

Meet elie zgheib


Elie began his journey by competing at an elite level in MMA, fighting for the IMMAf promotion. Drawing from his experience in both fighting and training, he transitioned into coaching combat sports athletes, helping them win championships.

Leveraging his wealth of experience, curiosity for learning, meticulous research, and mentorship under some of the best coaches, Elie developed his unique training method. Every aspect of your workout will be meticulously crafted using a scientific approach to coaching


What do my goals have to be to train with you

Whether your goal is to build strength, lose fat, gain muscle, or prepare for a competition, you will receive a personalized program tailored to your specific goals.

Elie integrates his knowledge and experience to optimize a training program that will assist you in achieving your goals and improving your overall fitness and health.

Invest in your future and embark on a journey to enhance your overall performance, reduce the risk of injuries, and propel yourself to your full potential.

“I bring a passion for fitness and a
commitment to your success.”